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Vikings Compass Necklace
Vikings Compass Necklace with Iolite (g473)

A working compass is set into the back of this silver necklace.

The indigo blue iolite stone is surrounded by a unique swirling design in silver. A working compass is safely set into the back of the pendant.

40th Birthday silver compass for her best friend

A creation called the Vikings Compass Necklace as it features an iolite, a mineral the Vikings once used as a form of compass. Instead of seeking magnetic north, it’s believed that the Vikings could locate the position of the sun by looking through a slice of iolite. The stone acted as a light polarizer and cancelled out haze and mist on cloudy days.

Given as a gift to celebrate a good friend’s 40th birthday and to symbolise heartfelt wishes for happy and safe adventures into the future. The iolite is also a favourite colour for the intended wearer.

Whether you’re a sailor setting out on an ocean voyage or you need to know where the sun will rise, this compass will show you which way is north.

Ref : G473

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